Monday, September 24, 2012

My New Found Love - PTC Sites!


PTC (paid to click) sites are the best thing since sliced bread.  So, you ask, what's all the jazz about?

I was used to PTR (paid to read) sites that allow one click of a link in a 24 hour period.  This means that if you click link A at 11:47am on Monday, you will not be able to click link A after 11:47am on Tuesday.  This sounds perfectly reasonable.  However, I often find myself logging in to sites at different hours different days.  This then becomes a detriment to earning from link A daily.

Now... ~farfare~
PTC sites also only allow links to be clicked once in a 24 hour period.  However, the way in which this is put into practice is different.  On PTC sites, all links that still have credits assigned to them are reset at midnight server time.  So if I click link A at 4:22pm on Monday, I can click link A at any time on Tuesday as long as midnight server time has passed.

This allows me to be able to click available ads every day of the week on a PTC site, instead of only being able to click every other day, depending on the intial time I clicked the ads on PTR sites.

So my friends, this is a simple joy!

So join me at AmericanaClicks.Com!  This site has great earning potential with tons of ads daily!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Welcome to my world!

I have been dabbling in the PTR (paid to read)/ PTC (paid to click) world for over 6 years now.  I have found success when I have applied my time and efforts to this.  Obviously, like anything in life, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So what can you expect to find here, in this landscape?

There are several types of sites out there.  My main focus is on PTR (paid to read) and PTC (paid to click) programs.

PTR (paid to read)
    These sites involve reading emails that are sent to you.  In the email, there is a link that will need to be clicked.  This link will lead to a website that was advertised in the email with a timer on the top.  These types of sites often can include some other features including a PTC (paid to click) section, affiliate pages, upgrades, and PTP (paid to promote).

PTR (paid to click)
   These sites run on a different type of script than PTR sites.  PTRs are generally run by Cash Crusader Scripts.  Most PTC sites that I belong to are run by Aurora Scripts.  The SDR-3 version seems to be the most popular.  However, recently, a new script called the Galaxy Script has been released.

  PTC sites will have different sections in which you can click on paid links to earn money.  There is usually a PTC or paid to surf section.  Some sites allow you to "surf all sites" which shows you one site after another with a validation challenge in between.  There can be another section with PTRA (paid to read ads).  This section will have text to read before visiting the advertised site.

Good luck in your endeavors!  I will be in touch again soon!